Monday, June 20, 2011

Movie Marathon: Superhero Series (well, almost)

I lately went into a movie marathon. I watched a movie every weekend for the past weeks - sometimes alone, sometimes with work buddies or friends. Now here's a brief review of the movies I have watched recently. 

Now for the rundown (scoring out of 5 stars):
  • Thor - 3 stars. Nice effects. Great casting - Chris Hemsworth was perfect for the role. Natalie Portman seems rather out of place. Over-all, it was an entertaining movie. A decent visual feast. 
  • Pirates of the Caribean: On Stranger Tides - 1 star. I even gave it a one for all the effort. Johnny Depp should have stopped making this after the second movie. The movie is so cliched. Predictable story line. Producers are thinking of one or two more movies after this. Please, enough already.
  • Priest - 3.5 stars. I don't know if I'm just biased but Paul Bettany is such an effective actor but as an actions star portraying someone messianic, I was not really into. Before I launch into this just another vampire movie, let me just say that the action scenes in this movie was quite entertaining. Editing and cinematography was good. The visual effects were also good. This movie was not a disappointment. 
  • Kung Fu Panda 2 - 4.5 stars. This sequel was even better than the first one. Very very good story line. It's still as hilarious as before. Entertaining and heart-warming at the same time. Only drawback, I don't think this was not really a kids movie at all. I mean, the story line was somewhat heavy for kids 8 and below. (just my opinion). 
  • X-Men: First Class - 3.5 stars. Action scenes were so-so but the story line was actually quite good. They made new twists to the comic book characters' stories but nonetheless it went out well. It makes me anticipate for another x-men movie. 
  • The Green Lantern - 2.5 stars. As I mentioned in my Facebook status message, the movie was predictable and story-line was just. It was filled with superhero cliches. Good thing, Ryan Reynolds portrayal saved the movie. He was funny and added color to an otherwise drab (and I mean drab green) movie.
That's it for the past six weeks. Movies I wanted to watch but missed were Super 8 and Insidious. Don't worry, I'll try to catch them and give my thoughts once I'm done with them. Till the next movie marathon.

Blogging Rebooted

It's nearly a year since I last posted. Well, nobody really cares because I don't have a significant number of followers. It doesn't really bother me that I don't have a huge following but it matters for me to write. I feel that I have been really really stagnant in the past months. I should be really doing this more often. I want this internet space fully utilized. Now if only "Ningas Cogon" not set-in, then I will fully realize that goal.

It's just the same with me struggling to keep my weight down. It's sad that I won the genetic lottery for slowly metabolism and hypertension. It's further agitated by my love for food and passion for cooking. I have been meaning to try start a decent healthy plant but to no avail. If only all my excess whatever magically disappear, then life wouldn't be so hard, aight? But then, who am I kidding?

Now with me blogging again, I would set down a few goals and I hope I can turn-around my life before 2011 ends. Now here's THAT list:

  1. Lose weight (at least 5 lbs)  before my friend's wedding this July and achieve my target weight before December 2011.  (This needs serious work)
  2. Be debt-free before my 27th birthday this September. (I'm sure I will achieve this).
  3. Decide to take the CFA exam before August 1st. Pass the exam on December. 
  4. Eat healthy. Exercise. Sleep Early. (see number 1).
  5. Avoid stress at all costs. Take it easy at work. (This will be the toughest).
  6. Organize my electronic Files before my Birthday. 
  7. Save money. Save money. Save. Save. Save. 
  8. Blog regularly. Honestly, this is a good exercise.
  9. Organize my MUSIC and my EBOOKs before the year ends. 
  10. Pray. Read the Bible. Pray some more. :)
Well, this list will never end if I continue but for now, let me focus on these things. Now, let's get this started. 

Sunday, August 15, 2010

How does it feel?

Funny that this questions popped in mind while I was viewing a wedding album of a friend. She was absolutely gorgeous (I think any bride for that matter should be stunning during her big day), and I can't help but notice the look of sheer happiness and pure bliss radiating through her eyes. The clichéd quote, "a picture is worth a thousand words" became an instant reality. 

And then there's me. I know, with conviction, that wedding bells won't ring for me anytime soon. I would be lucky if wedding bells would indeed toll for me at all. I am hoping that perhaps in the next 5 to 10 years, I would indeed, as they say, "get married and settle down." I know, it's quite some time in the distant future but I would certainly want to get there - exchange our vows of undying commitment and love, all for the world to witness. (I know it sound's kinda cheesy and all, but I guess that's LOVE.)

But for now, I guess I'll just have to settle for a dose of reality. That I'm single and be contented with the answers and replies of my married friends give when I ask them, "well, how does it feel to be finally married?"

P.S. I'm posting here a song of Westlife which I would definitely want to be played on the biggest day of my life...